
Private Chat Service can be used to send and receive chat messages privately to other participants in the meeting.

  • Provides an observable value of an array of chat messages for a given participant in the meeting.

  • Provides the unread message count per participant for private chat It is the responsibility of client app to clear this count once consumed by calling clearUnreadMessagesCountByParticipant

  • Clears the unread message count of specified BJNParticipant, the consumer application must call it when the user has viewed the unread chat messages of the participant to get the correct unread message count for messages.

  • Show the total current unread message count of private messages It is the responsibility of client app to clear this count once consumed by calling clearUnreadMessagesCount

  • Clears the unread message count of all eligible participants Consumer application must call it when the user had viewed the unread chat messages to get the correct unread message count for future

  • Provides the list of BJNParticipants eligible for private chat All participants may not be eligible for private chat as the client on which they join from, may not have the feature available

  • Provides a list of the BJNParticipants who have participated in private chat with you (sending or receiving) during this meeting. Note that some of these participants may no longer be in the meeting.

  • Provides an observable value for new private chat messages.

  • Is true when the private chat is available.

  • Sends a private chat message to an eligible participant