
The Video Device Service handles video related API’s, such as selecting a camera device, or getting the Remote/Self/Content video streams.

  • Represents the current local camera device selected. Use selectCameraDevice(:) for selecting a local camera device.

    Any change to the camera device, with the exception of initialization, will generate an event callback via the onChange handler.

    Possible values are front, back, custom.

  • Selects which local camera device to use.

  • Returns the UIView instance that renders video coming from the device’s internal camera(s). The video within this UIView will maintain the correct aspect ratio as resolution or orientation changes with the video center-aligned and fit within the bounds of the view.

  • Returns the UIView instance that renders the shared content view coming from the BlueJeans cloud. The content within this UIView will maintain the correct aspect ratio as resolution or orientation changes with the content center-aligned and fit within the bounds of the view.

  • Returns a new UIViewController instance that displays the videos coming from the BlueJeans cloud. Respects the VideoLayout which can be observed and changed with the meetingService.videoLayout property.

  • A boolean variable, if true, indicates that the SDK will turn on the local camera to allow the user to see themselves before connecting into a video meeting.

  • A property which identifies if video is being captured by the SDK, either for meeting video or for enableSelfVideoPreview property. True if the camera capture is on.

  • A property which captures the resolution of the self view video stream - in particular this should be observed to track changes in aspect ratio of the self view due to rotation of the device between landscape and portrait.

  • A property which captures the resolution of the received content share video stream - use this to determine the correct aspect ratio for the content share view.

  • A function to turn on and off the device’s torch.HomeViewController.storyboard